by Assi Philosoph

Around 1000 chess players, of various ages and from all around the country, participated tonight, on September 26th, in a simultaneous game in Safra Square in Jerusalem as a closing event to the Jerusalem Chess Festival. The unique event called for the release of the kidnapped with a giant table construction of a yellow ribbon, the symbol of the struggle.

The yellow ribbon formed with the chess tables. We are waiting for them.

The tables at the event were separated into areas, with each area honouring different groups or individuals: one for a salute to the security forces, another in memory of the chess player Yehuda Natan Cohen, who fell in Gaza, another table to raise awareness for people with disabilities, and so on.

The Minister of Culture and Sports Miki Zohar commented on this symbolic organization, saying: "I welcome the decision of the chess federation to design the tables in the shape of the symbol of the kidnapped, it is blessed and important - we do not forget them for a moment, even in moments like this when there is a good atmosphere and we are playing chess, we want them with us."

Minister of Culture and Sports Miki Zohar

50 strong Masters played against 1000 players, meaning each Master competed against 20 players. Here are some of the big names who participated in the simultaneous game:

Israeli 5 national team members: GMs Ilia Smirin, Maxim Rodshtein, Evgeny Postny, Avital Boruchovsky and Ido Gorshtein, who also played in the Masters tournament.

*The 17-year-old winner of Jerusalem Open GM Yahli Sokolovsky.

*The fresh European Under 18 Champion WFM Noga Orian.

* GM Yehuda Gruenfeld, the capital city’s strongest player.

*First Women Israeli board IM Marsel Efroimski

*The simultaneous record-breaking GM Alik Gershon.

And many other Grandmasters and talented young Masters.


The event closed the Jerusalem Festival, which was successful, despite the circumstances.To conclude with the words of the president of the Israel Chess Federtion, MK Ze'ev Elkin: "We are experiencing many chess events of an unprecedented scale, and here we are also breaking a record in the number of participants. It is wonderful to see a chess celebration in Jerusalem."


MK Ze'ev Elkin



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